Hi, I'm Chuck McCown. Since 1993 McCown Technology Corporation has been developing and manufacturing products to serve the telecommunications and networking world. Our award winning products are well known in the wireless internet service provider world as well as the cellular/wireless industry. We have a unique niche in surge suppression for GigE and POE circuits borne out of years of development and real world application experience.
Please visit my products at:

High Lumen LED Arrays
Hi Bay Metal Halide Replacements
1986 - 1990
Brigham Young University
Electrical Engineering - Electronic Engineering Technology
Surge Suppressor PCB Ampacities
Characterizing pcb traces as fusible links.
Supersonic Metal Powder Deposition
Metallic coatings on thin films for patch antennas.
Surge Suppressor RF Bypass
Allowing Gigabit Ethernet to flow in the presence of strong RF fields.
Hannibal La-Grange University
Organizational Management
Georgia Tech
Microwave Antenna Characterization